Laser Facial Hair Removal

NEW! the fastest and most advanced laser hair removal of our time THE VECTUS LASER by PALOMAR: THE ONLY ONE IN THESSALONIKI!


Laser Facial Hair Removal

Now with the Palomar Vectus Laser, the newest, fastest technology, those who had not been candidates for laser hair removal can now have safe, permanent outstanding results.

Our state-of-the-art hair removal lasers allow us to treat every skin type and tone INCLUDING dark/black skin due to its integrated Skintel Melanin Reader. The Palomar Vectus laser is a dedicated solution for high-volume hair removal, fast and uniform. Due to its large spot size and the most uniform beam profile it is now 5 times more powerful than any other laser and can treat a male back in less than 10 minutes. The Cynosure Elite laser is the gold standard for laser spot hair removal. Together, you will experience the most complete, and safe  hair removal treatment. Eliminate waxing, shaving and ingrown hairs (pseudo-folliculitis) for good!

What areas can be treated?

All areas of the body can be treated! Face, upper lip,cheeks, nose, ears, arms, chest, breasts, under arms, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, feet, back, buttocks, bikini, brazilian, and finger and toes!

Is Laser Hair Removal safe?

Yes. The light energy is absorbed by the hair melanin causing the increase of temperature in follicle in order to destroy that structure while the epidermis layers remain unaffected.

What should I Expect?

Upon examining your skin type/hair type and using the Skintel Melanin Reader, will determine the parameters to be used and recorded. The number of treatments are determined by your hair thickness, hormone levels and hair growth cycle. The average number of treatments per area is 4-8. The standard time between treatments is 6-10 weeks. A complimentary repeat treatment will be performed 10-14 days after the corresponding treatment to accommodate hairs at different phases of the growth cycle. The treatment can be mildly uncomfortable. For more sensitive areas, Excel offers complimentary numbing cream to be applied an hour before treatment, and air cooling system used during the treatment. Regular activity can be resumed, but heat (i.e. hot shower, bath, sauna, steam bath, sun exposure) should be avoided; SPF application recommended.

How Should I Prepare?

Do not tweeze or wax area to be treated 4 weeks prior to treatment. Self tanner should not be used 2 weeks prior to treatment. Laser hair removal cannot be performed on skin that is recently tanned or burned from sun exposure. The area must be shaved the day before or the day of treatment ( legs, arms, chest); you can do this at home or the aesthetician can shave the area for you.