Rhinoplasty - Nose Reshaping

What is Rhinoplasty?

Surgery to reshape the nose or "nose job" is a common aesthetic procedure that can have a profound effect on a person's appearance and self confidence. Rhinoplasty can accomplish any number of changes including size, augmentation or reduction, narrowing of the nostrils, changes in the bridge or tip of the nose or an alteration to the angle of the nose and the upper lip.

The purpose of the reshaping is to create a natural result that creates harmony with the rest of your facial features, and have a non-opearated look.

This surgery can also be performed to improve one's breathing by alleviating nasal airway obstruction, (do to deviated septum or hypertrophic nasal polyps ), or birth defects and a combination of functional and aesthetic desire are addressed.

Rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure that is tailored to the patient's unique facial anatomy as well as their personal wishes. The consultation process is very detailed and requires among others joint review of the photography between the patient and the surgeon. The patient's input during the planning process is very helpful.

Who are Ideal Candidates?

The best candidates are in good health, over the age of 16. Prospective patients must have reasonable complaints with nasal appearance and/or breathing, coupled with realistic expectations of the result. In other words, people who are looking for improvement not perfection in the way they look. If a teenager is the patient one must remember rhinoplasty is an highly personalized procedure and the desire to change the appearance must be the wishes of the patient not the parent.

About the Procedure

Rhinoplasty affects the underlying support structure of your nose, and thus results in permanent changes. While there will be some mild changes that may occur with aging, the overall result can be counted on to last for the rest of your life. The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure under a light general anesthetic . Because this procedure requires involved work on the airway, we always employ general anesthesia to ensure the highest level of patient safety, and to ensure complete comfort throughout the procedure. It is not recommended for this procedure to be performed under local anesthesia or IV sedation due to the risk of aspiration during the procedure.

What is Recovery Like?

You will go home several hours after the completion of the procedure with nasal"tampons" that have an incorporated airway tubes in each nostril and a nasal splint to protect the reshaped nose.. After 24-48 hours the nasal "tampons" are removed, and after one week the nasal splint is removed, all sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed. There is minimal pain, and it can be easily managed with pain medicine and use of an ice pack for the first 24 hours. Bruising and the majority of swelling tends to fade away after the removal of the splint.

Usually most patients are able to return to work or school at one week post op, after removal of the splint. It takes approximately 6 months to one year for the absolute final result.